Daimokuhyo_pro app for iPhone and iPad
Since an old memory disappears when updated at those who use a previous version, please be sure to take the duplicate of data.
"Daimokuhyo_pro3.1.0" application is a target because of big goal achievement. A long period of time, the middle, and short period It can set up by dividing into three.
or Three targets for a field to be different can also be set up.
"Daimokuhyo" application being an application which specialized in the Chant table. This "Daimokuhyo_pro" application should serve as a tool with which you can tackle with volition towards the big goal achievement further added to the Chant table.
Refer to the Support URL (http://www.eonet.ne.jp/~vclab/daimokuhyo/pro.html) for basic operation.
This application is a personal thing and cannot guarantee all about a lawful act, accuracy, morality, currentness, an adequacy, the contents including consent and having copyright or not.